Source code for dogstatsd_collector.base

from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class DogstatsdCollector(object): """ A singleton for collecting DogStatsD-style metrics with tags. Collects metrics in-memory and then emits them when flush() is called. Each series (metric and all combination of tag key-value pairs) is emitted separately. :type dogstatsd: datadog.dogstatsd.base.DogStatsD :param dogstatsd: The DogStatsD object to use for emitting metrics. :type base_tags: list :param base_tags: A list of tags to be included on every metric emitted from the collector. Should be of the form ['tag:value', ...] """ #: The DogStatsD metrics supported by the collector. SUPPORTED_DOGSTATSD_METRICS = ['histogram', 'increment'] def __init__(self, dogstatsd, base_tags=None): self.dogstatsd = dogstatsd for metric in self.SUPPORTED_DOGSTATSD_METRICS: setattr( self, '_{}s'.format(metric), defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) ) if base_tags is None: base_tags = [] self.base_tags = base_tags
[docs] def increment(self, metric, value=1, tags=None): """ Track a DogStatsD counter metric. """ self._record_metric('increment', metric, value, tags)
[docs] def histogram(self, metric, value, tags=None): """ Track a DogStatsD histogram metric. """ self._record_metric('histogram', metric, value, tags)
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush all metrics, emitting each metric once per series (combination of tag key-value pairs). """ for metric_type in self.SUPPORTED_DOGSTATSD_METRICS: self._flush_metric(metric_type)
def _flush_metric(self, metric_type): container = self._get_metric_container(metric_type) dogstatsd_method = getattr(self.dogstatsd, metric_type) for metric, series in container.items(): for series, value in series.items(): series = list(series) series.extend(self.base_tags) dogstatsd_method(metric, value, tags=sorted(series)) def _record_metric(self, metric_type, metric, value, tags=None): if tags is None: tags = [] key = frozenset(tags) self._get_metric_container(metric_type)[metric][key] += value def _get_metric_container(self, metric_type): attr = '_{}s'.format(metric_type) return getattr(self, attr)